Campbelltown Presbyterian Church Service

You will be made welcome if you wish to check us out.

Who We Are

The first Presbyterian service was conducted in Campbelltown by the Rev Hugh Gilchrist in 1837 so we are one of the oldest churches in Australia. We continue to be based on reformed theology with solid teaching, in a friendly, faithful, loving and caring congregation.

We are a group of people of different ages and backgrounds who seek to follow Jesus and live for Him. We seek to ensure all people are cared for, and care for one another, in a Pastoral Care group.

We also encourage people to be involved in small groups for Bible Study, prayer and social activities in order to develop Christian fellowship, a sense of belonging and to stimulate spiritual growth. Just for Blokes and KYB (Know our Bible) meet on Thursdays 10.00am-12.00pm and Study Groups on Wednesday and Thursday evenings.

We provide the opportunity for all people who seek to worship God by serving and caring for others to use their gifts in the Op Shop, KYB, Just for Blokes, Kingdom Kids, Music Team, Technology, Hospitality, property maintenance, small group leadership and/or involvement in Worship Services.

Pastor Nate

As pastor of the church, let me introduce myself:

I’m Nate, pastor at Campbelltown Presbyterian Church.

I was born in Australia and grew up mostly around second-generation Indonesians. I like making my own espresso in the morning. When I have some spare time, I’m either strumming a guitar, re-harmonising a tune on the keyboard, or doing some hobby mechanics on my car.

You might be like me. Or you might not. We might never have hung out. But the gospel brings together under Christ people who might never usually hang out. You’re welcome to drop in and visit us one day. I’ll be glad to meet you.

God bless,

Pastor Nate Presbyterian Church

What We Believe

We hold to essential Christian beliefs that are found in the classic creeds of the church, such as the Nicene Creed and the Apostles’ Creed.

Here’s what the Apostles’ Creed says:

  • I believe in God, the Father almighty,
  • Creator of heaven and earth.
  • I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord.
  • He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit
  • And born of the virgin Mary.
  • He suffered under Pontius Pilate,
  • Was crucified, died, and was buried.
  • He descended to the dead.
  • On the third day, He rose again.
  • He ascended into heaven,
  • And is seated at the right hand of the Father.
  • He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
  • I believe in the Holy Spirit,
  • The holy catholic or ‘universal’ Church,
  • The communion of saints,
  • The forgiveness of sins,
  • The resurrection of the body,
  • And the life everlasting. Amen.

We believe that the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus is good news for all. Knowing and following him is core to our identity as people and shapes the way we live in God's world.

We believe that God wants others of different ages and various backgrounds to know and follow Jesus as well. And so, we hope that others would know Jesus through our words and actions, and would seek to follow and live for him too.

  • Scripture alone - The bible alone is our highest authority.
  • Christ alone - We are saved through faith alone in Jesus Christ.
  • Grace alone - We are saved by the grace of God alone.
  • Faith alone - Jesus Christ alone is our Lord, Saviour and King.
  • Glory to God alone - We live for the glory of God alone, through Jesus.

We don’t really make a big deal about being Presbyterian, because we want people from all sorts of other church traditions (or no church traditions) to feel comfortable growing as followers of Jesus with us. However, there are some things about our church that are Presbyterian distinctives.

These include:

  • Having a group of ‘elders’ (volunteer leaders) who have leadership and oversight of the ministries and direction of our church;
  • Accepting the Westminster Confession of Faith as a summary of the key Biblical teachings.

What We Value

  • Christ-centred preaching that is faithful to God’s word and understandable for all those among us.

  • Christ-centred worship, with singing that gives thankful praise, from a sincere and joyful heart, and prayerful dependence on God in Christ.

  • The young people of our congregation and their growth in the knowledge of Christ through God’s Word, modelled in life and worship in Christ of all among us.

  • People from all backgrounds, expressed through our fellowship and love for each other, with Christ as our primary identity in whom we are united.

  • Outreach to people local and abroad through gospel proclamation and works of service so that they would come to a saving knowledge of Christ.

  • Loving care that is inclusive of the needs of all among us, bearing witness to Christ.

Our Vision

Our vision for Campbelltown Presbyterian is to become:

  • A Bible-centred, gospel-focused, Spirit-filled, prayerful church, growing in the knowledge of God, under faithful preaching and teaching.

  • A loving, open, unified community, helping one another practically and spiritually.

  • An attractive, welcoming church, accessible to all people.

  • A church for all generations, especially to see children, teens and young adults coming to know Christ and grow in him.

  • An equipping church, training and enabling each person to use their gifts in service.

  • Known in the community for strong gospel witness and care for all people.

Safe Church

Four reasons why being a safe church is important to us.

  • At CPC we are committed to the physical, emotional and spiritual welfare of all people, especially the vulnerable, like our children.

  • As a church community, we comply with the policies put in place by the Federal and State Government and the Presbyterian Church in NSW.

  • We want to offer children and those who are aged, disabled or at risk of abuse, a safe environment in which to worship our great God.

  • The CPC leadership team and all volunteers who have contact with children or the vulnerable are safe ministry trained and have undergone Working With Children Checks via the NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian.

Breaking The Silence

Safe Church Standards

How we maintain our safe church standards.

  • We ensure that everyone working with children and young people has a current Working With Children’s Check number. This is also required for all leaders and people involved in a number of pastoral care ministries.

  • Regular yearly training is also required of all these people. They must know, understand and follow our various safe church policies known as Breaking the Silence.

  • We keep accurate records of accreditation, both at a local church level and with the denominational Conduct Protocol Unit.

  • We are a mandatory reporting body. We have clear protocols for reporting to the appropriate civil authorities and the Presbyterian Conduct Protocol Unit.